– unmasking the modern predator

THE SOUL CATCHER is a seductive and deeply disturbing performance about psychological abuse, manipulation and power – In a powerful mix of performance, dance, spoken word and newly composed electronic music.

The performance sheds light on the invisible mechanisms behind abusive relationships, with a specific focus on NPD – Narcissistic Personality Disorder. A toxic cocktail of lack of empathy, harmful self-absorption, intriguing alterations of reality, the hunt for affirmation and a predatory and exploitative behavior towards other people. In a cynically manipulated game of love bombing, gas-lighting and pity play the victim is reduced to an emotional punching bag. A source of supply whose sole purpose is to feed an insatiable ego.

What does it take to break the patterns and free oneself from the narcissist’s grip?
THE SOUL CATCHER unmasks the predator behind the illusion of the perfect façade and questions the social currents that breed them. We break the silence and raise a debate about power, empathy, boundaries and personal responsibility.
Where are your boundaries?


“The performance is sharp and unsentimental. It’s a mix of performance, dance, spoken words and spiced with tough electronic music. The three actors do not compromise on their expression, but deliver a solid performance. The performance lives up to my high expectations, which I have over time given to the creator of the work, Annika B. Lewis and even got a great gift at the top of the hat, as the theme was both presented as autofiction and was fantastically portrayed. Bravo for courage and artistic pondus.”

”As an audience, it’s like a ride on a roller coaster. Huge experiences and mood swings. From joy to discomfort. From comedy to seduction. From chaos to laughter. From security to confusion. All in a pure mess that can change over time, down to a few minutes, or just seconds! As the psychopath’s act and appearance, this performance is extremely unpredictable and at the same time strikes a powerful contemporary blow for enlightenment and prevention of the encounter with a psychopath. Beware!”
– XQ28


“You are thrown into a tangle of sensory impressions, entertained and hit at once. Better and more truly, have the narcissist and the psychological violence never been represented before ”
Malene L.


Idea and staging Annika B. Lewis
Performers Lisbeth Sonne Andersen, Erik Pold, Johan Svensson
Music Sofus Forsberg
Set design Signe Krogh
Light design Morten Ladefoged
Dramaturge Anne Hübertz Brekne
Costumes Systuen Svalegangen
Technical execution Jens Mønsted
Production magement Betina Rex
Journalist Jakob D. A. Nicolaisen
Video trailer Christoffer Brekne
Photo Jens Peter Engedal
Producered by Kassandra Production
Co-production with Bora Bora – Dans & Visuelt Teater


The Danish Arts Foundation
The City of Aarhus
Knud Højgaards Fond
William Demant Fonden