The Swamp

The swamp of the Internet is impenetrable and sprawling. You get You get sucked into it, you can’t find what’s up and what’s down, and you can even perish there – and die.

THE SWAMP is a performance installation about the pitfalls of the Internet, and the manipulation and violence that goes on under the radar on the dark Internet.

We spend more and moreWe spend more and more time on the Internet, sit online for hours and live a large part of our social life in a virtual universe. How does it affect us? How are we influenced and manipulated? And which narratives are there that gets us sucked into the dark part of the digital universe, with the consequences it has – personally and socially?the digital universe, with the consequences it has – personally and socially?

You are invited into an alluring, mysterious and wildly growing swamp. On the way you lose your sense of direction and must therefore take responsibility for the further way through the swamp. But who decides the rules of the game? And is it even a game, or is it the harsh reality?


The Swamp – wondrous fluorescent performance installation
The Swamp is a well-functioning, audience-engaging performance installation that thoughtfully puts spotlight on the terrifying reality that prevails in the mushy, man-made mess we usually call the Internet.
– Iscene

Black is white, white is black, true is false. Who falls into the swamp where nothing is as usual. Stage makers Annika B. Lewis and Helene Kvint invite you inside their performance installation THE SWAMP, a living nightmare portrait of the Internet. And even if you happily throw away your shoes and follow the ladies into the unknown because you think you’ve figured them out, THE SWAMP surprises in both text and execution, and the web creeps up on you – just like in reality.
– Sceneblog


With and by performance artists: Annika B. Lewis and Helene Kvint
Performance: Petra Banke and Magnus Kongsgaard
Set design: Signe Krogh
Light design: Morten Ladefoged
Music: Jens Mønsted
Dramaturg: Daniel Wedel
Producer: Ann-Jette Caron
Photographer: Jens Peter Engedal
PR: Jakob D. A. Nicolaisen
Video trailer: Christoffer Brekne

Produced by Kassandra production in a coproduction withHolstebro Dansekompagni and in collaboration withNordisk Teaterlaboratorium


the Danish Arts Foundation, William Demant Fonden, Knud Højgaards Fond, Augustinus Fonden, Beckett-fonden and A.P. Møller Fonden