
– If you see something, say something!

Take a seat in the mobile ‘Omnibus’ where a couple of bizarre, self-promoting double agents go undercover to try and make sense of the all-embracing surveillance society – in a delicate balance between freedom, control and self-promotion.
In a jumble of PGP keys and privacy policies, Clouds and DarkNets, leaks and likes, censorship and selfie-sticks, OmniPresence zooms in on the fly on the wall. Who’s watching who?


“Gradually, our borders have been stretched. How much personal information are we willing to give out? Is it ok for the data to be recorded, disseminated and our behavior documented? When the doors close, we are told that we are under surveillance and have been for a long time. Only way to go under the radar is self-defense. Leaving the net, masking oneself… The result is experiences that stand out with advantage, “in-your-face theater” that gets in the face of the audience and takes possession of the urban space. The outlook is limited, only a few contributions are of foreign origin, and as in “Omnipresence” a recurring theme is the experience of being under threat.”
– Sydsvenskan



Idea and mis-en-scène Annika B. Lewis
Performers Annika B. Lewis and Kristofer Krarup
Set designer Filippa Berglund
Music & video Anders Krøyer and Jens Mønsted
Lighting designer Morten Ladefoged
Dramaturge Anne Hübertz Brekne.
Internet architect Jonas Smedegaard
Administration and PR Kassandra Production.

Production Kassandra Production in co-production with Bora Bora and in collaboration with CPH Stage, Republique, Performing Arts Platform, CAVI, IT University, Goethe Institute Washington DC, and others.


the Danish Arts Foundation, Bikubenfonden, the City of Aarhus, the City of Copenhagen, and Oda & Hans Svenningsens Fond.